this just in: there’s some good news for good people who like good stuff—there’s more of it (because we put more in there). you know the bottle of liquid beverage that has a color moment everywhere it goes? yeah, you know the one. well, xxx is the same acai-blueberry-pomegranate flavored water beverage with vitamins and deliciousness, but now it’s a bazillion times more good because of all the nutrient enhancements and its sports-level hydration. and yes, it still has an iconic color moment everywhere it goes (we could never change that). okay, okay, let’s get to the point. what does this upgrade mean for you? it means vitamins. and electrolytes. and more nutrients. which are all good things. with 80 calories per 16.9oz bottle. it also means this vitaminwater xxx has three types of antioxidants to help fight free radicals: vitamin A, vitamin C and selenium.and that’s bad news for the people who like bad stuff. so, make sure to pick up a pack if you’re a do-gooder or a good stuff appreciator or a color icon, just like us.
- great taste. more nutrients. win win
- vitamin and nutrient-enhanced water beverage with electrolytes and other good stuff
- with three types of antioxidants to help fight free radicals: vitamin a, vitamin c and selenium
- plus a great source of vitamin b5, vitamin b6, and vitamin b12
- the delicious taste of açai-blueberry-pomegranate flavor with other natural flavors
- get six 16.9 fl oz bottles of vitaminwater xxx, 80 calories each
Brand: vitaminwater
Assembled Product Weight: 6.37 lbs
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 5.44 x 7.55 x 7.55 Inches